• The New London

    Hi readers,
    In London, I noticed some stuff, concerning several aspects of the city to compare with the one William Morris decribed in 1890 in his utopia News From Nowhere  (in which, he imagined the city in the future , about 200 years after) so that I could write about, as if I was him in our days, to see if a century later, things have changed or not. In fact, It's interesting to check if his utopia exist now. 

    The New London

    Here's my work:
    I'm in the 21st century , in London of course, and I've been here for almost two weeks now. I've been travelling with a group of French students, even if I don't know how I arrived in their bus at the beggining of their trip. Now, they're gone. They didn't seem to see me, just like anyone else. I guess I'm some kind of a ghost, which is quite what I'm supposed to be, because I've been dead for so long now. They couldn't smell me then, fortunately. But I could smell them, which was great because they smell so good that I'm sure hygiene is way better. And it was confirmed when we arrived in London even though the city isn't clean at all. The industry is everywhere, it felt like a nightmare, when I first saw it. Every student was smoking, just like every londoner passing by. The trafic is pretty awful too, too much cars, weird cars that smell really bad and which make the city even noisier. People are going so fast that we can't speak to them as gentlemen. Physically, it depends of the person, some look not so weak. We visited the Globe and met an actor. The theatre didn't look like it used to. The actor, which was young and muscular, seemed happy, just like the French students when they did a workshop He was encouraging, they were lively. So, it seemed to me there was no frontiere between them, they were respectful to each other, which was good to see. But then, going out of the room, I saw a homeless man, asking for some pounds to eat. That's how I noticed everyone isn't as happy as I thought. People were ignoring this poor man, some were doing even worse, they were cracking jokes at him, which seemed not clever at all. Then, we went to the Thames, on a cruise. I was dissapointed to see the state of the water was unchanged, as dark and dirty as it was at my time. Yet, one thing was really positive: art. We went to the British Museum and I was impressed by the beautiful statues and the wonderful architecture of the museum, all in gold and white. But that's only an example. Art is everywhere in the streets, there are loads of bridges that we could see thanks to the cruise on the Thames (which is the only positive thing about the Thames), but there are also lots of fountains and towers... Even if pollution invades the city, nature is still respected, at least a little, because there is a lot of weed here, thanks to the parks which seem pretty clean.
    Partly, his utopia exist now. Even if, the city is not so clean, but cleaner than in his century... 

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